
Corporate Social Responsibility

Declaration for Metal Conflict-free

Jufei here in declare the metal Conflict-free on products supplied to customers:

Jufei is talking and will take due diligence within our supply chain to assure “DRC Conflict-free” for the metals of gold(Au),Tantalum(Ta),Cobalt(Co),and tin(Sn) are not derived from or sourced from mines i?n conflict areas of Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC),Or illegally smuggled trade routes, either of which are controlled by non-governmental military groups ,or unlawful military factions, trade routes not confirmed to be “Conflict Free” include direct exports form the DRC ,as well as exports, through Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya(countries of whom the U.N Security Council note are global export routes for DRC-mined minerals).

We would like to confirm metals used in Products sold to customers are DRC Conflict-free.
